You can’t teach robotics without SEL

by PRP Group, on 10/24/2022

Smartbrief PRPAfter years of online or socially distanced in-person learning, students and teachers have been excited to re-engage with collaborative, fully hands-on learning. Unfortunately, some young students have never had the formative experience of sharing a learning tool. To help students learn social-emotional skills and STEAM concepts at the same time, educators can teach every one of Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning’s, or CASEL’s, five core principles through robotics, because SEL and robotics complement each other well.

Before a project even begins

Robotics is such a natural vehicle for social-emotional learning that, if you plan it out right, your students will practice skills in all five domains of CASEL’s framework before they even start coding. The robot that we use, KIBO, comes in ready-to-go kits — which include many different parts, such as wooden programming blocks, sensors and modules, wheels, motors and more — that allow students to grab everything they need quickly. If time is a concern, or if you want to get right to the project, this is a great way to start.

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