Cook Center Calm Room

Case Study: Using targeted media coverage to inspire schools across the nation to put student mental health first

Cook Center For Human Connection

The Cook Center brings together organizations, programs, and products to prevent suicide, provide mental health support, and enhance human connections. They worked with PRP on multiple campaigns, including the nationwide rollout of their Calm Room Grants for schools.

In their own words

Group 254

The Results

8-month campaign to promote the Calm Room Grants program 

Sample Coverage Sample Coverage

18 million


Almost 18 million people, primarily educators, learned about the campaign from local and edtrade media.



The value of the earned media was worth more than 3 times the PR spend.



applications received than anticipated. As a result, the Cook Center was able to fund twice as many Calm Rooms as planned.

The Situation

While calm rooms have been around for a while, many schools don't have them. With rising student mental health concerns, there is growing interest from education leaders and their communities in implementing calm rooms effectively. The Cook Center worked with Polaris High School in American Fork, Utah, to build a calm room, and it was met with overwhelming success. They decided to pursue this venture further as a grant program to help more schools implement this best practice to help address the youth mental health crisis.



  • Educate school leaders nationwide about what calm rooms are and how they can help schools support students' mental health
  • Inform educators across the nation that the Cook Center is providing Calm Room Grants to individual schools
  • Achieve widespread awareness about the Cook Center and its mission while building its status as a thought leader in
    community-based student mental health programs
  • Attract applications from individual schools across the nation

The Process

PRP and the Cook Center have worked together on several campaigns. Prior to this campaign, PRP led the Cook Center team through our signature discovery and story ideation process that helped us get to know their customers and apply our industry expertise.

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PRP crafted and shared a press release announcing the application period was open.

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Phase 1 Coverage

PRP used targeted outreach to education media outlets and designated market areas to engage local media.

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Due to the overwhelming response, the Cook Center was able to fund more grants.

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Follow-up Outreach

PRP engaged local media to announce the grantees and cover the enthusiastic community response. 

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Strategic Recommendations

PRP provided ideas such as having ribbon-cutting ceremonies to increase engagement in the school community.

Stories for the Education Market

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