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Sensory spaces may help support all students

by PRP Group, on 01/01/2024

eSchool-NewsSince COVID, many schools across the country have been investing ESSER funds into sensory spaces. The availability of this funding, along with the complex trauma issues brought on by the pandemic–including social isolation, depression and generalized anxiety–have prompted educators to increase their focus on the importance of social-emotional learning (SEL) to address all students’ needs. As 2023 winds down, it is important to note this trend and its origins from use primarily in special education to the current, continuing shift towards universal design and inclusion.

What is a sensory space?

A sensory space is a designated area or room that is designed to help students practice and integrate the concepts of self-regulation or self-management using sensory and other tools.  From a small corner to a full room, sensory spaces are increasingly being implemented in schools, homes, businesses, and public places such as stadiums and airports.

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