Making Lemonade in a Pandemic

by PRP Group, on 06/18/2021

Learning Counsel PRP

An equity-focused teacher explains how comics help her navigate difficult conversations about social justice and identity with young students.

The pandemic has certainly presented us with many nearly insurmountable challenges, but challenges also bring change and opportunities for improvement. At Marion County School District, we’ve long been focused on our youngest learners, and meeting the needs of those students has continued to be a source of difficulties and opportunities throughout the pandemic. Here’s how we’ve tried to meet the needs of our youngest learners during the pandemic while also looking to make the future a little brighter.

Putting Early Funds to Use

One of the earliest opportunities we took advantage of was funding from the CARES Act. With this money, we were able to get a device into every student’s hands. We probably should have transitioned to a 1:1 computing environment a while ago, but there were always higher priorities for our limited resources. Of course, devices and Internet connectivity have become not just a high priority, but a necessity in this new remote learning landscape. That ubiquitous access to the Internet has shaped our thinking over the last year and will no doubt continue to shape it after the pandemic is over.

Our decision to go 1:1 was an obvious choice given our circumstances, but if you want to make sure you’re getting the most out of CARES Act funds, our partners at the nonprofit have released a helpful free guide.

Click here to read the full article.

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