How We Learn About the World Through Books

by PRP Group, on 12/19/2022

San Fran Bay Area MomsBooks are one of my essential hobbies and ways to explore the worlds around me that both engulf me in the stories and open my eyes to things and experiences I have never considered. 

These days I am intentionally trying to expand my reading list with authors of backgrounds different from mine (I am a Caucasian female born in Ukraine and living in San Francisco) in each genre I read.

Early reader

I have been reading on my own since I was around 4-5 years old, and now that I am a mom, I want to convey the magic and love of reading to my 3.5-year-old. My child often sees her dad and me reading at home or on the beach when we are not playing with her. We have a bedtime routine involving at least one book she selects. I also encourage her to role-play book reading with her toys.

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