Computer science: How to charge ahead without overwhelming your teachers

by PRP Group, on 12/27/2022

District Administration PRPAs teachers get a clearer view of what computer science looks like, they will see that it’s not so hard to teach.

The implementation of computer science has evolved rapidly in recent years. Still, the best way to introduce a new subject into a school is to start small and let it grow.

The way computer science courses have been implemented in schools has been evolving rapidly in recent years. Not long ago, one of the most common ways for computer science to find its way into the classroom was when a teacher went to a conference or heard a podcast and became excited about offering computer science to their students. That kind of bottom-up advocacy is characteristic of teachers. It also has a way of growing over time into more robust programs and initiatives.

At the same time these pioneers were championing computer science in their schools, states were beginning to see the value in teaching computer science. Now, most have legislated some kind of formal requirement to offer it to students.

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