4 warning signs that students are struggling with mental health. And 4 solutions.

by PRP Group, on 06/05/2023

District Administration PRP

Some 40% of US parents are “extremely” or “very” worried that their children will struggle with anxiety or depression at some point, according to a recent survey from the Pew Research Center. In the face of this and other daunting statistics about children’s mental health, we as a society need to step back and ask ourselves some difficult questions about our youth.

What are we missing? What can parents and educators do to provide extra support? Perhaps the most critical thing we can do is ask children, rather than guessing or telling them. As an educator, when you see a dramatic change in a child, there’s usually a traumatic event that has occurred. Knowing how to spot warning signs and respond in a supportive way is essential to helping students understand how to reduce anxiety, stress and other issues.

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