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What Form Should Your Education Story Take?

June 28, 2017

By: Chris Piehler

In previous posts, we’ve given education marketers tips on how to spot a good story and explained why it is so important to create and promote content for people at all stages of the buyer’s journey. Finding a powerful story that also happens to support your brand is like striking gold, so it might be tempting to jump right in and start mining—er, writing.




But before you dig too deep into the goldmine of your story, it’s worth taking a moment to consider what type (or types!) of content you should use to best tell that story. Yes, you have found gold, but do you want to melt it into one big ingot? Or would you prefer several rings? To help you deliver your story to the education marketplace in the most attractive, actionable form possible, here’s a quick guide to the types of content best suited to the information you have in hand.




These are by no means the only forms that your content can take, but this list is a good start. Once you write a story in one of these forms, you can (and should!) recycle it in other forms. For example, you can take an article that gets published in an education technology magazine and, with a few changes. repurpose it as a blog post (or posts) on your website. That process also works in reverse: many blog posts can also become articles. The larger, more in-depth pieces of content like success stories and ebooks can be the inspiration for several articles, blog posts, or checklists.


You get the idea. The key, as always, is to think about your readers before you write. Ask yourself: Who do you want to reach? What message do you want to send them? What action do you want to inspire them to take?


And then dig in.


Chris Piehler is the editorial director of PR with Panache!.


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