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The Most Far-out Comparison of the Year Between STEM and PR

November 16, 2018

By: Evan Outlaw and Vickie Hiebert

STEM is now, and will continue to be, a part of every aspect of our lives. Let’s consider: Darkness slowly envelopes the oceans, land, and life that inhabit the earth. Within that darkness lie sparks of light that dot the darkness like a leopard’s coat. This ritual takes place every evening as the day turns to night.




In reality, the darkness is space—one of the most intriguing aspects of our human existence, home of mysteries to philosophers, scientists, and dreamers. For centuries, space has represented possibility. Somewhere within this sea of darkness lies the secret to time travel; discovery is one “deep-space dive” away. How do you prepare for such an excursion through the depths of the universe? How long will it take? How do you get there? Believe it or not, we can address these questions in the same way that PR with Panache! approaches our work with clients. It all starts with science, technology, engineering, and math.


Science: A scientist, much like an effective PR firm, does homework on the project in question, starts with a strong hypothesis about what will happen, but is always ready to address unforeseen problems until they find a solution. Like a space crew, we don’t have the luxury of wasting time, whether a client’s or our own. We work constantly to optimize our processes, learning from each iteration of a project..


Technology: Each space mission, like each PR campaign, has a different focus and requires different technology. While we haven’t invented anything as miraculous as freeze-dried ice cream (yet!), we always take the time to choose the right tech tool or tools for a campaign. As you may have read elsewhere, we’re big fans of HubSpot, but we’re always on the lookout for other amazing technologies that will point you in the right direction or even illuminate your path to stardom.


Engineering: During a space flight, engineers put all the technology together and keep an eagle eye on maintenance to prevent equipment failure. At PRP, we engineer campaigns, assign tasks to our team of specialists—and we’re ready for blastoff. Once we’ve launched, we maintain a series of checks and balance to make sure that the campaign stays on course until it reaches its destination. And like engineers, we’re obsessively focused on the details that make a mission take flight. Of course, the engineer can’t prepare a successful space mission without science behind it, technology to make it happen, and math to keep it precise.


Math: Once a mission is complete, mathematics helps us understand what worked and what didn’t. To us at PRP, math isn’t a subject that causes many students anxiety—it’s a way to have numbers tell a story. We know how important return on investment is to our clients, and we use our reporting tools to make every penny maximize its potential.


In the end, whether you’re exploring outer space or the inner workings of edtech, science, technology, engineering, and math will continue to be essential to reaching your destination. PRP uses these same guiding principles every day to help get our clients where they want to go.


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