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Simply Put by Sue: When Reaching out to the Education Market, Does Your PR/Marketing Firm Dazzle You?

April 6, 2017

By: Sue Hanson

There is so much talk among education PR and marketing firms about the customer experience and everything that goes into making it the most productive and satisfying experience possible. So many buzzwords are tossed around that I feel like some marketers are doing the old “razzle-dazzle.” At PRP, we dazzle our clients; no razzle-dazzles here.



PR/Marketing Firm Dazzle You



A famous quote by the infamous W.C. Fields is, “If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.” Today’s ed tech leaders don’t have the time or the desire to be baffled. They want relationships built on truth, expertise, results, and genuine concern for their brands. Our definition of “dazzle” is simple: create unique and remarkable inbound marketing strategies that deliver the ROI our clients want and deserve.


One of those clients is Joel Jacobson, the co-founder and COO of Defined Learning. This is how he describes the PRP dazzle: “Culturally, PRP’s ‘all-in’ attitude and close attention to quality over quantity matches that of Defined Learning to a T. They think outside the box and offer unique options different from any PR firm within our industry. They truly are a rare breed. The team consistently surprises and impresses me with their exceptional ideas and willingness to go the extra mile to exceed expectations.”


You as a customer want and deserve to be dazzled by your marketing agency. What exactly does that mean? According to the dictionary, to dazzle is to impress or surprise with brightness or exceptional qualities; to provide something brilliantly exciting, to inspire admiration or wonder. Razzle-dazzle, on the other hand, is a flashy display that confuses, bewilders, or worse deceives. This is an important distinction, especially since razzle-dazzle is oftentimes disguised as dazzle.


Playbook: Inbound Marketing in Education. Start creating content for someone, not just anyone. 


As a full-service PR and inbound marketing firm focused on the education and ed tech markets, PRP is driven by our desire to dazzle. We strive to understand how your organization ticks in order to provide you with actionable plans that meet and exceed your goals. Our thorough on-boarding and audit process helps us master your story, then identify where our services are needed most. Only then do we build and measure integrated PR and marketing campaigns designed to deliver maximum ROI for our clients.


How Do You Find an Agency that Will Dazzle You?

It will take only minutes of conversation for you to know if the person/agency you are talking with fits into the culture of your business. Here are a few questions to reflect upon (or to ask your current marketing firm):

  • Does this agency understand and live within the education market?
  • Do they have strong relationships with industry thought leaders and media?
  • Could I enjoy working with this agency on a day-to-day basis?
  • Do they have a clear understanding of the link between PR and inbound marketing?
  • Do they grasp the importance of data and how that data plays a role in everything we do?
  • Do I get the feeling that they understand how important ROI is to our company?


Once you have a solid foundation for a relationship with your marketing firm, it’s time for them to dazzle you: with their ideas, their hard work, their follow-through, and their sincerity. They don’t dazzle you by just doing what you ask. They dazzle you by knowing you so well that they deliver what you want before you ask for it.


Thank you for sharing!

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