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Ready to Start Your First AdWords Campaign? Here’s How!

January 31, 2018

By: Craig Spooner

We recently wrote about the many benefits of pairing strategic marketing campaigns with targeted Google AdWords PPC campaigns to get the results you’re after and give your team insight into the effectiveness of your overall keyword strategy.




While the prospect of investing money on AdWords might seem daunting, the results are almost immediate and highly transparent, meaning you know exactly where success is happening and why—which is worth every penny that you spend. If you’re chomping at the bit to find ways to support that next marketing campaign, here’s a helpful step-by-step guide to help you get your first AdWords campaign off the ground.

But before you log into AdWords, you need an ideal content or product offer, along with a lead conversion path, already built before you start working on your ads. You will need the URL of the product or content offer in order to get your ad set up appropriately. If you’re unfamiliar with lead conversion paths, you can check out this helpful blog to catch up!

Now on with the good stuff! To start your campaign, go to, find the “Get started now” button, and sign up for an AdWords account. Once you're logged in, click the “Create your first campaign” button.




Ready to watch the results pour in? You should be! While this helpful guide will get your AdWords campaign off the ground, we’ve really only started to scratch the surface of possibilities. Keep an eye out for an upcoming blog on the Settings for Success, which will cover the process of monitoring your AdWords account and dive deeper into the ways in which you can analyze, optimize, and track your campaigns.


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