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EdNET 2017 Is Coming: Are You Ready to Tell Your Story?

September 14, 2017

By: Chris Piehler

We here at PRP can’t wait for the annual EdNET conference in Scottsdale next week! We’re proud Tier 1 sponsors of the event, and we’re eager as always to learn from our ed tech colleagues’ challenges, successes, and sage advice. We’re also looking forward to sharing our expertise in data-driven storytelling during two different events.


EdNET 2017


First, I will be moderating a panel called “Don’t Crash the Party—Get Invited: Why a Disruptive Approach to Marketing Is No Longer Relevant.” During what promises to be a freewheeling session, panelists will discuss why education companies need to shift their marketing strategy from a disruptive approach to a buyer-centric approach. Panelists will include:

  • Our own Jacob Hanson, the Managing Partner of PR with Panache!


During the panel, we will present national research that reveals education decision-makers’ honest opinions about what they like and don’t like when it comes to working with vendors. (Hint: The days of cold calling are over.) Everyone who comes to the panel will leave with clear action items to help them build or strengthen the relationships they need for long-term success in the education market. The panel is on Monday, September 18, from 10:00–10:50 a.m. The valuable insights will come with a side of audience-participation fun, so don’t miss it!


PRP will also host a Birds of a Feather session, “Turning Stories into Sales: Using Data to Drive Engagement.” Hosted by PRP’s Integrated and Inbound Marketing Storyteller Craig Spooner along with Jacob “The Hardest Working Man in Ed Tech PR” Hanson, this rollicking roundtable conversation will seek to answer the question: “How do you stimulate curiosity and naturally lead prospects to your products and services without turning them off in the process?” (Spoiler alert: The secret is in the data!)


Craig and Jacob will offer an overview of what data-driven storytelling looks like and how it focuses on generating, analyzing, and applying data to your narrative and outreach campaigns. Attendees will walk away armed with strategies for using analytics to track user behavior and compel potential prospects and leads to take action. So, come have breakfast and tell Craig and Jacob your stories—and they’ll show you how you can translate them into leads and sales.


Outside of these two marquee presentations, we’ll be roaming the sessions to learn from our fellow education marketers, catch up with old friends, and meet some new ones. The theme of EdNET this year is “connecting the dots,” and we look forward to connecting with you!


For easy reference, here’s our EdNET schedule at a glance.


If you’d like to learn more about our PR, inbound marketing, and data-driven storytelling services, check out these resources.


Thanks for sharing!

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