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4 Inbound Marketing Memes That’ll Make You LOL

August 6, 2017

By: Julia Brolin & Allison Rodriguez

Inbound marketing is arguably the most effective strategy for ed tech companies to increase brand awareness and to promote products and solutions. The thing is, it takes time and practice to learn the best practices for executing a kick-butt inbound marketing campaign.

At PRP, we like to learn, but we love to laugh. Here are some memes we hope will help you learn more about inbound—and laugh while doing it!


Marketing Memes


Impressions on an article or content piece can seem exciting, but still not actually amount to much. We can’t measure the success (or lack thereof) of a particular story or content piece based on impressions alone. However, we can concretely measure success in other ways, like increases in site traffic, bounce rates, specific page performance, and lead conversions. This blog post explains all about measuring real ROI with more than just impressions!


Marketing Memes


We know how exciting it can be to get a new lead from your inbound campaign—that’s the whole point of your efforts! That said, emailing a lead at the wrong time or with an offer that doesn’t fit their needs can derail the entire process. Ensuring that you have a lead-scoring strategy in place and are nurturing visitors toward a purchase with incremental content offers is crucial. You can learn more about emailing leads at the right time with the most relevant content in this post!


Marketing Memes


It’s tempting to ask for as much information as possible on the form fields for your gated content—resist the urge! We won’t actually get a superhero to slap you if you ask for too much, but it could negatively affect the number of visitors who convert on that offer. Think about how much information you would be willing to give out in exchange for the content that’s being offered. Website forms can help you learn significant details about your prospects and leads when executed correctly—this blog post details how you can maximize those efforts.


Marketing Memes


This is a big one for inbound content creation, and one that we see all too often. Companies get excited about inbound—we get it! You want to jump in right away and start making your website a go-to resource for information. But what information should you provide and who do you want looking at it? When you put the cart before the horse and try to make content for your prospects without understanding their needs, challenges, and goals, then you are likely putting in a lot of effort for little pay-off. The key to inbound is putting yourself in your prospects’ shoes. To help you craft illuminating buyer personas, we created the Buyer Persona Creation Infographic. Check it out!


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