Joshua Bolkan
Joshua Bolkan
Joshua Bolkan
Joshua Bolkan

Joshua Bolkan

Content Creation Storyteller

“It's the stupid questions that have some of the most surprising and interesting answers. Most people never think to ask the stupid questions.”
~ Cory Doctorow, For the Win

Joshua always knew he wanted to be a writer, and discovered the power of subverting readers’ expectations when his 3rd-grade teacher told the class a blade of grass would make a poor main character. After acing the assignment with the riveting tale of an intrepid leaf serendipitously touring its community, Josh never looked at a writing task without asking how he could break the rules to find a more compelling angle to the story.

Joshua studied magazine journalism and electronic media at the University of Oregon’s School of Journalism and Communication. (Go Ducks!) He has spent most of his career as a reporter covering technology for an audience of K-20 educators at THE Journal and Campus Technology. In his latest role with PRP, Josh is excited to set reportorial skepticism aside and take a more evangelical approach to technology and its potential to improve teaching and learning.

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