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What Kids Are Reading Report Sheds Light on K–12 Students’ Reading Habits

What Kids Are Reading Report Sheds Light on K–12 Students’ Reading Habits

Source: edTech Digest

To help educators and families encourage students to read more fiction and nonfiction, Renaissance, a global leader in pre-K–12 education technology, recently released the 2020 edition of What Kids Are ReadingThe report that has been providing educators, families, and communities unparalleled insight into the reading habits of millions of students for more than a decade. This year’s What Kids Are Reading report highlights the most popular books among K–12 students across the nation, and also finds that easy access to these materials makes a measurable difference in developing a child’s love of reading.

The report offers information on the most popular books for each grade, data on popular nonfiction and curricular connections by grade bands, and tips on how to maximize the effects of the time students spend reading.

Key findings of the report include:

  • Students read the most nonfiction in grades 3–5, making up an average of 54% of their total reading when reading on a digital platform.
  • Three is the magic number: When students read three or more books on a topic, they tend to score higher on comprehension quizzes focused on books in that topic area.
  • The number of topics students read about tends to decrease as they progress through school.

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