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How a Montessori Classroom, Online Learning, and Family Engagement Can Work Together

How a Montessori Classroom, Online Learning, and Family Engagement Can Work Together

Source: Getting Smart

Learning on a laptop may seem incompatible with a hands-on education, but with buy-in from parents and teachers, it can be a powerful family engagement tool.

When people think of an early childhood Montessori classroom, they probably think of multi-age groupings, individualized student learning, and an emphasis on concrete learning through hands-on materials. Online learning is almost certainly not a part of what they’re envisioning. Yet, at the Lexington Four Early Childhood Center, a public school with predominantly primary Montessori classrooms where I serve as principal, we have found that the right program can be an effective supplement and even a powerful family engagement tool.

Our Path to Montessori

Our school serves three-, four-, and five-year-old children within our attendance zone in a free, full-day program with no qualifications. In our vision for creating a school focusing solely on early learning, our school district researched best educational practices for young children. It was determined that a Montessori approach aligned with our philosophical beliefs about student learning. It supported our emphasis on both acquiring knowledge and skills while also developing life skills and characteristics, such as critical thinking, collaboration, perseverance, and work ethic.

Opened in 2010, the Lexington Four ECC offers a Montessori environment through parental choice. Through parent and community support, we have more than 25 Montessori classrooms and serve approximately 600 children. In this multi-age model, children have the same teacher for their three years at our school. This model allows teachers to deeply know their students as learners, and also allows teachers and parents to develop meaningful relationships over that time.

The Challenge of True Family Engagement

Families are a critical part of education no matter how old students are, but are particularly important for our youngest children. Parents and families are our students’ first teachers. It is important that we build trust between home and school by authentically bringing parents into the educational process.

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