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4 Ways Our District Finds Educational Opportunities During The Pandemic

source: eSchool-News

This superintendent says there’s no such thing as a challenge that isn’t also an opportunity, and the pandemic is no different.

Our Early Learning Center offers a Montessori-based education to our youngest students. Because this method of teaching is somewhat difficult to adapt to a distance learning model, our teachers began putting together “Montessori bags” each week for students to take home and use later in class. If the curriculum called for a cube, for instance, there was one in the bag. Most of the resources were disposable, like beans used as manipulatives for math instruction, so that parents didn’t have to return them to the school.

Putting those manipulatives in the home has been its own opportunity. Many of our parents have never seen manipulatives. Now they’ve had the chance not only to see them, but more importantly to witness in their own living rooms and kitchens, how educators use those manipulatives to help educate their children.

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