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3 Surprising Lessons I Learned About Technology and Education With My 4-Year-Old

3 Surprising Lessons I Learned About Technology and Education With My 4-Year-Old

Source: The Edvocate

A Head Start teacher overcomes her skepticism about screen time to help her son get an academic boost before kindergarten.

Almost every industry in the world has been affected by the coronavirus pandemic in some way. Whether you work in education or have a child in public school, you’re probably trying to balance your own job while working with your child, his or her teacher, and a curriculum that was put together overnight. I’m a Head Start preschool teacher and the mom of two young children, so I know that being a teacher and a parent can sometimes feel overwhelming.

In my classroom, I’m always looking for new early learning tools. Typically, I search for resources that are hands-on and promote the student-teacher relationship. I don’t usually push for tech tools to use with my students. Recently, a colleague at school showed me a brochure about a program called Waterford UPSTART. As usual, I was skeptical when it came to using any type of technology with young kids. However, after learning more, I was intrigued to try it out with my own son. The program cost nothing, and the lessons offered fell in line with our curriculum. Waterford provides personal support from Family Education Liaisons, and if families don’t have a computer or Internet access, they supply them at no cost.

Today, I’m sharing my personal story so other educators and parents can see what my family has learned. I may have been hesitant at first, but I’ve discovered a lot by using technology at home. Here are the top three lessons.

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