Client News – Data-Driven Storytellers

Online SEL Can Help Students Overcome Struggles and Barriers

Written by PR with Panache! | Nov 11, 2021

Lately, it’s impossible to miss the news stories about the pandemic and the resulting long-lasting effects on student mental health. The last year and a half have taken a toll on all of us, and especially on our nation’s young people.

Whether students were in-person or remote, school was hard last year — and this year may not be easier. As a school counselor, I am always amazed at kids' resilient ability to adapt. But I continue to see the effects of social isolation and learning loss walking through the school doors every morning. The chatter in school halls, sharing in my office, and social media feeds full of parent worries tell the same story. So many of our students struggle with focus. They feel overwhelmed and lost. They are struggling to learn. Given what I am hearing from students, I can imagine that this is the same reality every school faces today.

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