Client News – Data-Driven Storytellers

Keeping Early Learning Going Despite COVID-19

Written by PR with Panache! | Jun 30, 2020


When the COVID-19 pandemic forced schools and early education centers across the nation to close, children lost many of the benefits of a high-quality learning environment, as well as important social-emotional interactions with peers and teachers. The isolation of quarantine exacerbated the issue, keeping children away from normal daily connections.

Despite those real losses, there may be a lasting silver lining: we’ve strengthened school-to-home connections and helped families feel more empowered to participate in their children’s learning. Here’s how all 30 locations of Lehigh Valley Children’s Centers (LVCC) worked to build relationships throughout our community, even as we were forced to work together from a distance.

Maintaining Routines

Amid the turmoil our students and families were facing, we believed it was important to provide any kind of normalcy we could. Routines, after all, are an important source of stability and comfort for children.

One way we did that was to carry our students’ familiar routines over to our social media channels. Morning class meetings and story time were easy enough to move online to give students some sense of continuity, while also bringing their families into a supportive community for their new roles as homeschooling teachers.

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