Client News – Data-Driven Storytellers

From the Dorm Room to the Board Room

Written by Kayla | Feb 05, 2020


UWorld founder and chief executive went from a student with an idea in a dorm room to an Indian American who runs a company that was recently honored by Entrepreneur magazine as one of the “Best Entrepreneur Companies in America.”

I distinctly remember the day the doctor told our family that my cousin had an inoperable brain tumor and that there was “nothing he could do.” My cousin was only 18 years old and we were close, so to hear a doctor say he couldn’t do anything made no sense to me.

My cousin soon passed away and, unfortunately, I had several other family members die from other illnesses at an early age. These events had a profound impact on our family and filled me with a resolution to do something about it.

So, my professional journey wasn’t to become a CEO but a doctor in order to provide a high level of care for others. I knew that doing so would be a challenge because my family didn’t come from money.

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