Education News and Announcements

Why the Most Important Qualification for a New Doctor is Empathy

Written by PRP Group | 05/23/2022

Medical professionals beginning their careers face a number of challenges, including rising rates of burnout, patients who distrust the health care system, and incentives that prioritize patient volume over patient wellness. As you transition from medical school to your first medical job, the one essential quality that will help you meet those challenges and more is empathy.

Empathy as a Path to Healing

For various reasons, some patients may challenge your medical guidance and advice. While these encounters can be frustrating, cultivating awareness is the first step toward generating an effective, non-judgmental response. Awareness begins with recognizing and acknowledging your natural emotional response, such as feeling angry when your skill and experience appear to be challenged. Non-judgmental response asks you to hold back and rise above the immediate impulse to become defensive or argue. The next step is the most challenging: showing empathy for the patients who challenge you most.

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