Education News and Announcements

What is Culturally Responsive CTE?

Written by PRP Group | 09/05/2022
  • Culturally responsive pedagogy refers to teaching methods and practices that incorporate students’ cultural identities and lived experiences.
  • It is a more proactive approach is to encourage students to embrace other cultures as a way to be better humans, scholars, and future industry leaders.

What does it mean to be “culturally responsive” in a rural Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH)?

“Culturally responsive pedagogy” refers to teaching methods and practices that incorporate students’ cultural identities and lived experiences into the classroom as tools for effective instruction. That is a fine and even noble idea as far as it goes, but anything “responsive” is inherently reactionary. A more proactive approach is to encourage students to embrace other cultures as a way to be better humans, scholars, and future industry leaders.

This approach is necessary at Ulster BOCES in part because we have a relatively homogenous student body, with 67% of our students identifying as white. Nationally; however, there is much more parity among white, Black, and Hispanic students enrolled in career and technical education (CTE) courses. According to the national Center for Education Statistics, Black and white students take at least one CTE class at the same rate (82%), and Hispanic students are only slightly less likely to enroll in a CTE course (72%).

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