Education News and Announcements

Teach to the disengaged and the others will follow

Written by PRP Group | 02/25/2022

Rather than aiming to teach to the middle, we should build engagement by first building relationships with students and helping them find a sense of purpose.

As the former principal of an alternative high school, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about students who are disengaged from traditional education. As the point person responsible for actualizing Ulster BOCES’ P-TECH vision, a six-year pathway of study that leads to students earning an associate’s degree and learning workforce readiness skills, I’m continually asking how we get disengaged students plugged back in. Or even better, how can we keep them from disengaging in the first place? Fittingly enough, an anecdote about sneakers in the Netflix series, “The Art of Design” may help to illuminate the way forward a bit.

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