Education News and Announcements

It’s never too early to think about how to support students at summer school

Written by PRP Group | 12/11/2023

As the Mount Olive Success Academy summer program coordinator, I essentially serve as the administrator for our district’s summer school program for grades K4. At the Mount Olive Township School District, we see our summer success program as an important refresher on what students have learned the previous school year and a defense against the summer slide—but, more importantly, as an opportunity to prepare them for the academic year ahead.

We like to keep the new concepts and skills they’ve recently learned fresh, and also give them a leg up as they encounter the new standards. The academy, which we call “MOSA,” also provides social-emotional learning opportunities.

Our K4 students from our four elementary schools all come together to participate in the program. They work collaboratively with their peers from throughout the district. MOSA provides a safe place, where our students can receive the same love, attention and support they get from our amazing teachers during the school year. Here’s how the program works.