Education News and Announcements

How to improve student achievement through instructional coaching with video

Written by PRP Group | 08/28/2023

Like many districts, we strive to improve student achievement every day at the Metropolitan School District of Decatur Township. That may be through our multi-tier system of support or through our extended-day program or after-school clubs offering enrichment and remediation for students who need it. We are constantly working to ensure that our Tier I core instruction is solid and that our Tier II and III interventions are intentional and focused on supporting each student’s needs.

One of the most important factors in student achievement is high-quality teachers. Excellent professional development and coaching help teachers to become the best educators they can be and offers them the kind of support that makes them want to stay with their district. Since we began using video coaching six years ago, we have seen consistent growth in student achievement, including year-over-year growth in English language arts and math for 2021-2022. Here’s how we help our teachers constantly grow and learn to master their craft.