Education News and Announcements

How to create and benefit from your own internship

Written by PRP Group | 02/18/2022

Don’t see what you want on a job board? Here’s how to cultivate the opportunity you want and use the contacts you make to further your academic and professional career.

As a college student looking for an internship, you don’t need to limit yourself to opportunities that are available on a job posting board or LinkedIn. There’s no harm in asking if there are opportunities available—in fact, it makes you seem more genuine and shows why you want to work at that company.

My internship journey started when I was a senior in high school. I had been using UWorld’s SAT test prep product for about a year, and they really helped me improve my test scores. So I emailed the company to ask if they had any internships available for the summer. My soon-to-be boss wrote back to me. Of course, finding this kind of fit took much more than one lucky email.

Here are five tips for finding and making the most of internships.

Read more at College Recruiter >